Tune into the  J.P. Morgan Making Sense Podcast: “Capital Advisory Group Part V: Harnessing machine learning for better ESG outcomes”. Here George Mussalli, CIO of Equities at PanAgora Asset Management, joins Amir Amel-Zadeh, Associate Professor of Accounting at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, and Michael Weinberg, Managing Director and Head of Hedge Funds and Alternative Alpha at APG as they discuss their paper, “NLP for SDGs: Measuring Corporate Alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals”, as published in the Journal of Impact & ESG Investing’s Spring 2022 edition with Kumar Panja, Head of J.P. Morgan EMEA Capital Advisory Group  . Listen on any of the following platforms:

Podbean: https://marketmatters.podbean.com/e/capital-advisory-group-part-v-harnessing-machine-learning-for-better-esg-outcomes/
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/capital-advisory-group-part-v-harnessing-machine-learning/id1456184829?i=1000558395361
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1lsVLvrjk05b9zQ2KfvKnM?si=SaZCW2–QiCTEdHM3T1SAg
Google: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/capital-advisory-group-part-v-harnessing-machine-learning/id1456184829?i=1000558395361


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